Association of Pabna Ex-CadetsAll for one - One for allUnited forever


20 October 2023

@Cadet College Club Ltd

Register before 18 Oct
Join with family by 6 PM
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Payment Methods
  • Online Payment (using register option on website)
  • APEC Bank Account Transfer.
    Association of Pabna Ex-Cadets (APEC)
    A/C No.: 0014-0310016787
    Trust Bank Limited
    Dhanmondi Branch
  • Cash/cheque/ pay-order/ Bank Draft in favor of Association of Pabna Ex-Cadets (APEC).
How to register
  • Click on the 'REGISTER' button to do it instantly.
  • Contact APEC office to register offline.
  • For any queries, please contact your batch representative first.
Terms & Conditions
  • Registration amount is non-refundable and non-transferable.
  • For any issues, contact BR first then APEC office.

APEC - Association of Pabna Ex-Cadets

A non-profit organisation dedicated to members, families, associates and PCC.

© 2024 | APEC | Developed by Riviesoft

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